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Relationship Issues


Everyone experiences problems in a partnership at some point during their life, which could be with a family member, friend, lover or colleague.

All relationships, including marriages, can be demanding and if problems are not dealt with, they tend to build up over time.

Due to the fact that everyone is different and reacts differently to situations and emotions, it can sometimes be difficult to know how to best resolve issues, and to even understand what went wrong.

If a certain partnership or connection is not fulfilling your expectations, this can impact on your happiness in other aspects of your life too.

Most people are much more likely to be fulfilled with other aspects of their life if they have happy, fulfilled connections with others, which makes it all the more important to accept relationship help and advice when they are struggling.

Each person will also have their own version of a great partnership, and have different needs they want fulfilled.


Issues may involve an individual:​


  • feeling trapped

  • feeling confused about whether it's the end of a relationship or not

  • realising they attract the ‘wrong’ type

  • feeling unsure about how or where to meet the right partner

  • facing divorce or separation

  • facing insecurity

  • trying to deal with a partners infidelity

  • wanting to improve their current partnership

  • trying to understand themselves and their partner better

  • working on communication skills

  • trying to increase the romance in their partnership

  • feeling frustrated by a poor physical and sexual connection with their partner

  • in need of some dating tips/advice.

There are many reasons partnerships may not be working as well as they should be, but with determination, love and understanding, lots of people can get things back on track.

Some people will struggle with this, and it may mean the end of a relationship is near.

Sometimes it's just time to move on and find human connections that fulfil you fully.


Connections with others can take hard work, and this may not always be easy.

It often takes time, effort and compromise to make them work, but if this ultimately leads to a fulfilling partnership it’s usually worth exploring the problems and perhaps enlisting others for some relationship advice from a different perspective.


What kind of Relationship Help and advice can a Life Coach offer me?

A life coach can help individuals identify what their version of a great partnership is, what their expectations are, and identify any needs that are currently not being fulfilled.

Strategies can then be discussed to help the individual reach fulfilment in that particular area, or recognise the end of the relationship and move on to find fulfilment in a different way.

Whether you are looking for a new beginning and in need of some dating advice or tips for finding your perfect partner, confused about a current partnership or struggling to deal with the end of a relationship, life coaching can often help you recognise your own values and set goals to allow you to move forward in a positive direction.

Who needs Relationship Help?

It is commonly thought that relationships only involve intimate connections with a partner or spouse and that these are the only people who will benefit from relationship help.

However the term relationship actually covers any connection between two or more people and so anyone can benefit from a bit of advice.

There are many types of these interpersonal connections ranging from a quick meeting to a lifetime association, for example:​

  • family members or kinship

  • married couples

  • two intimately connected people

  • sexual and intimate partnerships

  • friendships

  • colleagues

  • associates

They will normally refer to an association or connection between two people but can also mean the connection between many more people.

For example, the link between a prime minister and the residents of his country, a teacher and his pupils or an actor and his audience.

The link between these different type of relationships is that every one can succeed or break down and suffer as a result of the compatibility of the people in the group or partnership.

Relationship help is open to, and may be needed by, absolutely anyone struggling to build strong connections within their relations.

What can Relationship Coaching help with?


  • Dating advice and tips for securing a date

If you are having trouble with getting a date with someone you like maybe you need to start looking at things from a different perspective.

Imagine you are the woman/man of your dreams, if you were, how would you like to be asked out on a date? What sort of things would you look for in your potential partner?

What type of date would you like to be taken on?

What about that dating advice?

Well, once you think you know what your love interest would like, start to think about how you will go about showing the side of you that they will appreciate.

Maybe you think your date would like to be called on the phone or asked in person for a date, rather than sent a text, or maybe a date where you both do a fun activity like boating on a river and a picnic, rather than going for dinner would be a good idea.

This doesn’t mean you should change your likes and dislikes, but building strong connections with others is about compromise and showing your appreciation for the interests of your partner, so start as you mean to go on!

Finding a date can be very tricky.

Many people feel they are too busy to meet people, or don’t seem to meet the type of person they are looking for where they usually go.

There is a simple solution to this, think about where your love interest would be and what they would do in their spare time.

If you have an interest in painting, think about taking up a painting class or workshop, you are sure to find like minded people there.

Or maybe you would prefer to date someone who has different interests to you, try something new and you have the fun of learning something new and meeting others who have different interests to you.

The main thing is that you get out there and try, your perfect partner is not going to come to you, and you will also be far more attractive to a potential love interest if you are happy with the rest of your life.

Taking on new challenges and trying out different things will put you in a position to meet lots more people, even if they are not ‘the one’ they may know someone who is perfect for you!

A life coach can work with you to address your individual needs, give you specific dating advice and make sure that you are doing all the right things to increase your chances of finding the perfect person for you.

  • Relationship help and tips

If you are in a long term partnership and are struggling to get along with your partner, it can be a debilitating concern for both of you.

The same goes for any type of close connection, be that between a parent and child, friends or couples.

The first step is recognising and accepting that there is an issue that you are not addressing.

This is a big step and can take time for the people involved to recognise and accept.

Just getting to this stage could take some relationship help if one person is struggling with the idea that anything is wrong.

Once you get there though you have done half the work.

Sit down and talk with the person involved and try to work out what is going wrong, where things are breaking down, and when do they start to fall apart?

Try not to place blame on the other person, but think about what you are doing yourself to affect the other persons feelings or actions towards you.

If you can both do this you are on your way to improving your partnership significantly.

Be completely honest with your partner if you expect this in return.

Often, issues stem from communication problems.

It’s important to tell your partner when things bother you and also to give them praise when they have made you feel happy.

Remember that no relationship is perfect, so don’t strive for this, simply talking to each other, sharing your feelings openly and honestly and breaking down barriers can work wonders.

  • Marriage advice and help

Marriages struggle for all sorts of reasons and most couples will seek some sort of marriage advice at some point in their marriage, whether it comes from a friend, family member or professional.

This is inevitable as no partnership is perfect and every marriage has it’s issues and challenges.

If you are having trouble in your marriage, it certainly doesn’t mean that your marriage has broken down and there are many things you can both do to try and get things back on track.

Partnerships, and the challenges that come with them, are a perfectly normal part of life, as humans we strive for an intimate connection with a partner that we love.

It can be particularly difficult for everyone involved when things aren’t going very well and getting relationship help or marriage advice is a big step forwards.

Everyone around you will chip in and try to give you some marriage advice, but you need to remember that only you and your partner truly know what your partnership is like, you both know all the ins and outs that will make big difference to how you resolve your issues.

A life coach can offer marriage advice which is tailored to you and your partner but they don’t try to give you the answers.

Rather, they will help you to realise and resolve your challenges yourself which will be more effective in the long term.

Millions of couples seek marriage advice every year, so remember that you are not alone and start to make a start on improving things now.

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